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Thanks CheckMark

November 2021

I must thank you for the help Stefanie Wagner provided me. I had been a long, happy customer who did his own taxes and accounting. After about forty years I wound down to one employee just to help get her to Medicare.

One day I awoke to find 'none' of my Payroll history, current or past, was available because I upgraded my iMac to Apple's latest, at the time, software. I suspect it was low volume or Apple's penchant for blood-letting vendors that stopped you from providing upgrades...

I could see five years of icons on the desktop but could not access the files? ' Stupid me had not processed all the paperwork for 2019. Nor could I transfer and access files on one of the older Macs (I use about nine Apple devices - three desktops ...one PC to copy movies at work to bring home as we have no broadband in the countryside.)

Part of the appeal of Apple OS is that since the mid-1980s when I got my first (I still have my second desktop - a Classic II) I did not need to know how a computer worked. I obviously still don't - I needed Stefanie. She went thru there like a forest fire. She knew all the tricks to find buried information and did not make me feel an idiot in the process.

I am old and somewhat frail, so this should be my last contact. Thanks to Checkmark for all the good years ...and the recent assistance. Cheers.

Jim, Maryland